Breast Augmentation Procedures New York

Tattoo removal procedure could be costly but once you have started it definitely you will find a way to continue. Over the past decade, the advancements made in plastic surgery and reconstruction procedures has opened the Pandora’s box of possibilities for individuals seeking out perfection in form and figure. In New York City alone, hundreds of women undergo a variety of different plastic surgeries to correct deformities, enhance features, or to modify themselves so that they resemble a popular public personality. The perception of beauty continues to change; however, modern plastic surgery has made it possible for women to pursue their dreams of achieving that state of perfection they crave for.

Breast augmentation procedures lead the list of plastic surgery procedures in the US. New York City does not stray from the trend. The number of women who undergo some kind of breast augmentation procedure is on the rise every day. The basic definition of a breast augmentation procedure is basically any procedure that involves the enhancement of breast size through the use of implants, primarily for aesthetic purposes. The implants may be made from silicone gel or saline. In some cases, the procedure may be implemented through fat transfer. The procedure has a great success rate in terms of providing satisfaction to the women undergoing it, according to Dr Newman of the New York Breast Center.

Scenarios Where Breast Augmentation is Considered

  • If you wish to have a more curvaceous and appealing figure.
  • To have your body look better in certain outfits
  • To provide symmetry to your figure in case the breasts are not symmetrical.
  • To restore the figure you had prior to pregnancy or weight loss.

Advantages of undergoing Breast Augmentation

  • Big confidence booster
  • Breast augmentation can provide a permanent solution to achieve the figure you desire
  • You will feel significantly more confident and comfortable in various outfits, especially swimwear
  • You stand to gain a more appealing profile and restores your youthful form

What to Look Out For

breast_augmentation_nycOnce you undergo the procedure, you will be required to monitor your implants on a regular basis.

At some point, you will need to replace your implants

The commonly observed risks associated with any kind of invasive surgery.

Understanding the Procedure

Most breast augmentation procedures are a standard operation. The surgeon makes a clean incision, lifts up the breast tissue, and creates a cavity or “pocket” in the breast. An implant is then inserted into this pocket. Another procedure that is being implemented on an experimental basis is the autologous fat transfer process. For this, the surgeon initially removes fat from your abdomen, flanks, or thighs through liposuction and injects it into the breast.

In case of implants, their positioning will depend on various factors that are typical to your body. The surgeon makes an assessment of the breast and then determines how the implant would be placed. In general, the implant would be placed in a pocket that is either beneath the pectoral muscle that is situated between breast tissue and the chest wall or under the breast tissue and above the pectoral muscle.

Options at your Disposal

Over the years, breast augmentation procedures have become more accessible to women from all walks of life. The abundance of affordable options and customization has prompted an increasing number of women to go under the knife for aesthetic breast augmentation procedures. Depending on your medical profile, body habitus, and perception of aesthetic beauty, you can choose from a wide array of choices. These include:

Saline implants

These implants are essentially filled with sterile salt water. The implant can be filed prior to a procedure or filled during surgery to facilitate small modifications in required implant size.

Silicone Implants

silicone_implantsThe implant is comprised of a soft elastic gel and can be fashioned in a wide range of different customized sizes and shapes. Generally all silicone implants are filled prior to the procedure at a size decided by the patient. This means that a bigger incision would be required to perform the implant placement procedure.

Cohesive Gel silicone Implant

Cutely named the “gummy bear” implant, these implants are comprised of a gel like material designed from crossed molecules of silicone. This results in a thicker and firmer implant than the conventional silicone versions. As a result, the shape is held and projected better.

Autologous Fat Transfer

The fat from your thighs or abdomen is drawn out through liposuction. Following a prep procedure and “purification” of the fat, it is injected into the breast. This procedure is still in the test phase and extensive research is being conducted in this segment for better results and to enhance the safety levels.

Preparation for the Procedure

The plastic surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions that need to be followed prior to the operation. As a good doctor, he will answer all your questions and put you at ease. A comprehensive medical history will be gleaned and complete physical examination will also be done to make an assessment of your overall condition. As part of the preparation, you will be required to take a mammogram. A subsequent mammogram will be taken a couple of months following the surgery.

Precautions to be Taken

You will be instructed to stop smoking to accentuate the healing process following surgery

You will need to stop aspirin and a list of anti-inflammatory drugs that can lead to excessive bleeding.

Continuous hydration is imperative for just about any procedure prior to and post the procedure to promote a safe and quick recovery phase.

After Care

Once your breast augmentation NYC procedure is done, you will be given a surgical dressing that would be inclusive of a specially customized bra to support your implants. There is a significant amount of pain involved in the procedure. The highest level of pain will be experienced during the first two days post procedure, according to Dr Scott E. Newman, plastic surgeon of New York city. Consequently, the pain comes down and you will be given a specially charted pain medicine regimen to help you control the pain.

It’s common to feel stiffness and tightness to touch and a warm sensation on your skin. You will have difficulty in raising your arms. You may have some discoloration and swelling in the initial phase, this will dissipate soon. Any residual swelling will be gone in a month.