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Are Site Speed and Mobile Friendliness Related?

There is a wide range of correlation between Site Speed and Mobile Friendliness. The correlation is not necessarily linear – there are sites that have very high speed but low mobile friendliness and sites with very low speed but high mobile friendliness.
The relationship between these two factors may not be surprising, but the exact degree to which they are related has been surprising to many, as can be seen from the following graph:

In this analysis, the Y-axis represents the inverse of time taken to load a page. Likewise, the X-axis represents relevancy of a site’s content for a mobile device. The red line indicates the best fit line, showing that there is a strong correlation between Site Speed and Mobile Friendliness. Therefore, it might be wise for a company to focus resources on improving both factors at once rather than trying to focus only on one factor at a time. All of the freelance seo expert always shows concern when we talk about the mobile responsiveness of a website because there are a lot of people use mobile for searches.

The mobile-friendly label, introduced in Google’s search results to help users find websites that work well on mobile devices, has been incorporated into the algorithms of many search engines. The label is applied to sites that are both fast and responsive.

The two concepts are not identical. A site can be either one without being both. A site can be fast without being mobile friendly, for example when it uses a desktop-only site template. And a site can be mobile friendly without being fast, for example if it runs very slowly but is still usable on a small screen.

The close relationship between the two concepts is reinforced by the fact that, when Google measures how well a site performs on mobile phones, the metrics used are exactly the same as those used when measuring site speed. Both are based on page-loading time, which Google measures in Chrome via loading speed timings .
The question is whether there are any significant differences between sites that earn the mobile-friendly label and sites that do not.

Speed is a critical factor when it comes to conversion. People are more likely to abandon a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load, and also less likely to revisit it. When Google announced their mobile-friendly algorithm update, I bet they cared about page speed.

Speed can be difficult to define. While most of us know when a site is slow, even the most knowledgeable of us is not always able to tell you what is slowing down their browsing experience. And when they do know, they’re not always sure how to fix it.
This has led many people to avoid the issue altogether by adopting the mantra of mobile-first design . However, that’s not necessarily the best approach for your ecommerce site. There are two main reasons why:

1) Your desktop visitors may be just as important as your mobile visitors. They may even be more so, if they are larger purchasers.
2) Mobile-first design tends to prioritize quantity over quality in terms of content and functionality provided on your ecommerce site.

This is a simple test case of something that happens a lot in software engineering. You develop some new feature or capability, and then you realize it has some other consequence, which you didn’t think about when you were planning it.

For example, a while back I noticed that the way I had implemented a certain feature in the parser led to the program crashing when fed particular bad input files. It took me some time to figure out what was going on, but eventually I realized that it had to do with the feature I was adding.

Of course the ideal situation is not to add bugs in the first place. But that’s hard, and sometimes there’s no choice. In this case, the bug was in how I had implemented a certain feature; if we had put off adding that feature until we had more time to think about it and test it, we would never have found the bug. And even if we’d noticed in advance that it might create another problem, we probably wouldn’t have spent much time worrying about it; we’re under pressure to get features out before they’re ready because our competitors are always one step ahead of us. Learn more the potential of mobile SEO.

How to Get Pregnant Faster – Ways to Boost Your Fertility

The human gut microbiome is a complex community of trillions of microbes that are constantly interacting with each other and our bodies. Some couples are lucky and get pregnant without too much effort. On the other hand, there are couples who just do not seem to be so lucky and have to seek professional help to get pregnant. For women to get pregnant is something that is based on a series of events, which they need to understand. If we talk about women, hormones are released every month from the pituitary glands that stimulate the ovaries to release an egg, or ovulate. This egg then travels towards one of the fallopian tubes and this is the best time for them to get pregnant.

This may sound easy, but knowing or tracking when does this happen requires planning. A woman can do this tracking on a calendar or day planner. Mark the day when your periods start and end, add fourteen days to the day your last period began and this would be the most likely day you would be able to get pregnant. If your cycle varies and is not on the ideal twenty eight days then you would need to subtract eighteen from your shortest cycle. When your next period begins, count ahead the number of days and the week after those days would be when you are most fertile and can get pregnant. This method is quite simple for women to use who want to get pregnant faster. But, it may not work with all women, as illness, stress and exercise effects the fertility period.

If you cannot keep track of numbers and days, there is another method to check your fertility cycle. Just before ovulation occurs, there will be vaginal secretion that resembles tiny raw egg whites. After the ovulation finishes, this secretion will become cloudy or disappear entirely. To boost fertility and get pregnant faster, this may be a better method to follow. However, if you are unsure about how to check the secretion, you should consult a medical practitioner.

Another method that you can use to check your fertility is to check your body temperature when you are resting. During ovulation, your body temperature will be slightly higher. The best time to check your temperature would be just before you get out of bed in the morning. If the higher temperature stays steady for three consecutive days, it means that ovulation has occurred and the next three days are the best time to get pregnant.

You can try over the counter ovulation kits and they are quite accurate. However, you must follow the instructions written on the kit. For some women, the price of ovulation kits may be prohibitive. Ovulation kits also lead to targeted sex, and this in some cases may be too late.

These are some of the methods that women, who are facing difficulty in getting pregnant, can adopt to increase their chances of getting pregnant and boosting their fertility. If the couple is young and newly married, they should have sex regularly, adopt a healthy living style, and the woman should give up smoking, if she does, and avoid alcohol. You know never know when this pregnancy miracle may take place. There are some blogs that shares some ideas on quick ways to get pregnant.

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Top Seven Essentials of an SEO-Friendly Website in 2020

If you want to build a website that works wonders for your online business in New York, it’s crucial that you understand the essentials of an SEO-friendly website. Our best SEO services will help your website for short and long-term SEO success, website traffic, and conversion growth. This will help you create a site that appeals to your targeted audience and enjoys a higher ranking in search results, leading to increased site traffic. Without further ado, then, let’s take a look at 8 such essentials:

Clean Codes

Search engine bots can only crawl your website if the code used in its development is clean and well-written. Well-structured code also reduces the time it takes for your site to load.

Nothing Too ‘Flash-Y’

Too many flash elements can make your website slow and unresponsive, thus driving away that valuable organic traffic. Flash is also often devalued or ignored by search engines. So not only does it affect your site performance, it also contributes nothing to your site’s SEO.

Easy To Navigate Link Structure

Professionals in website design in NYC will tell you that the secret to creating an SEO-friendly site involves an easily navigable link structure. A streamlined structure won’t only make it easier for search engines to read and rank your site, but also increase its UI/UX, thereby attracting more organic traffic. No excuse why you should ignore it!

Readable URL

Did you know that your site URL can also help your SEO? It’s true… so long as it’s structured in such a way that search engines (and visitors) know what the page/site is all about by scanning the URL. How can you do this? By making your URL easy to read and remember.

Original Content

Search engines can be very harsh on websites that feature duplicate content (Google even penalizes such sites by dropping their search rankings!), so make sure your site content is original.

Relevant Images

In addition to original content, the use of appropriate images can also help your site SEO. However, you can’t add just any image on your website. The pictures you choose to upload onto the site need to be optimized in such a way that they’re easily identified by search engines. Use small images with excellent resolution and proper image names as well as keywords to make them more SEO-friendly.

Social Media Integration

It shouldn’t come across as a surprise, but promoting your website on social media can help you connect with your target audience in a way you didn’t think was possible. Better yet, it can help the general audience find you easily, thus paving the way for more website hits and a higher ranking on Google.

BONUS: Google Analytics

How do you know if your site’s Long Island SEO campaign is working as it should if you can’t even measure the amount of traffic generated by your website? This is a parameter that’s hard to measure… unless you have Google Analytics to help you out. Setting up Google Analytics on your website will help you find out how much traffic it’s generating based on which you can choose to make improvements to the existing site design and make it more user-friendly.

So, these were the top seven essentials of an SEO-friendly website in New York. Use this handy checklist when building your new website or revamping the existing one.